Aging in place, the concept of growing older in the comfort of one’s own home, is a deeply cherished goal for many seniors. According to the AARP, nearly 80% of seniors want to stay in their homes as they age rather than move into an assisted living or nursing facility. For family members and caregivers, supporting a loved one in this decision can provide comfort and promote a sense of independence. Here at Reliant Home Care Services, we understand the significance of this decision and are committed to helping families navigate this journey. If your loved one has stated that they want to remain in their home as they age, these tips will help them remain safe and healthy while they age in place.


an elderly couple in a park walking away from the camera


Ensure a Safe Living Environment

Safety is paramount when it comes to aging in place. This means making necessary home modifications to prevent accidents and make daily tasks easier. Start by identifying and eliminating trip hazards such as loose rugs and clutter. Next, identify areas where your loved one may need help standing and install grab bars and other supports. The bathroom, particularly around the toilet and shower areas, is one area that often needs these bars. Also, ensure that lighting is adequate in all areas of the home to improve visibility. Consider the installation of a stairlift if your loved one’s home has multiple levels.


Foster Social Connections

Social isolation can be a significant issue for seniors living at home alone. It’s important to keep your loved one engaged with the community and maintain regular social interactions. This could involve scheduling regular visits from family and friends, encouraging participation in local community or senior center activities, or even adopting a pet for companionship, if appropriate.


Implement Health and Wellness Programs

Maintaining health is crucial for seniors wishing to age in place. Regular check-ups with healthcare providers should be prioritized. Additionally, consider setting up home delivery for prescriptions and encourage routines that promote physical activity, tailored to their ability level. Nutritious meal planning is also important, as dietary needs can change with age. Your loved one may not be fully onboard with some of these changes, so remember to listen to them and not force major changes all at once. Slowly adjusting routines and diet over time can help make these changes easier to adapt to.


Leverage Technology

Technology can be incredibly helpful in supporting aging in place. Personal emergency response systems (PERS) can provide peace of mind by allowing seniors to alert healthcare providers or family members in case of an emergency. Smart home devices such as voice-activated systems can assist in controlling lights, thermostats, and other devices, making daily life easier and safer. As with routine and dietary changes, you do want to introduce new technology slowly so as to avoid overwhelming your loved one. All the technology in the world won’t help if your loved one doesn’t understand how to use it. 


Provide Mental and Emotional Support

Aging in place can sometimes lead to feelings of loneliness or isolation. It’s essential to provide emotional support and understand the mental health challenges that may arise. Regularly engaging in meaningful conversations, listening to their concerns, and encouraging hobbies and interests that they enjoy are all ways to support their mental well-being.


Plan for the Future

While your loved one may be able to live independently now, it’s important to plan for future scenarios where they might require additional support. Discussing and documenting their wishes regarding healthcare and living arrangements early can prevent confusion and ensure their desires are respected. Consider consulting with a financial advisor to ensure there is a plan in place to support long-term care needs.


a man writing on a notepad and using a laptop


Work with Reliant Home Care Services

Partnering with a professional home care service like Reliant can dramatically ease the process of aging in place. Our trained caregivers can provide personalized care tailored to your loved one’s needs. Services range from basic daily tasks like bathing and meal preparation to more specialized medical care. We also offer regular assessments to adjust the level of care as needed and work closely with families to keep them informed and involved.

Helping a loved one age in place successfully requires thoughtful planning and ongoing support. By making home safety modifications, fostering social connections, leveraging technology, and working with professional services like Reliant Home Care Services, you can help ensure that your loved one remains comfortable, safe, and happy in their own home. Remember, the goal of aging in place is to maintain independence and dignity for as long as possible, and with the right preparations, this is a goal we can help you achieve. Reach out today to learn more.