Reliant Home Care for Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care

Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care

Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia are cruel diseases that slowly take your loved one from you. You may feel like you’re taking care of a stranger towards the end, while your loved one struggles to live in a place they don’t remember with people they no longer know. It’s emotionally draining, and it will take its toll on you.

Taking care of someone with Alzheimer’s or dementia isn’t easy, and many people don’t realize how much work it takes. Caring for someone with one of these diseases isn’t the same as providing care to someone who is unable to easily stand or who needs help with basic tasks. You should never be afraid to call for help, especially when your loved one is in one of the later stages of dementia.

Reliant Home Care Services is here to provide the support you and your loved one need, no matter how severe their Alzheimer’s or dementia is. We provide services as needed, whether that’s on a daily basis or once every couple of weeks so you can take a break.

Why Those with Alzheimer’s and Dementia Often Require Caregivers

Dementia affects the brain, leaving brain cells unable to effectively communicate. This results in difficulty doing basic tasks along with a loss of memory. Over time, the disease progresses, leaving your loved one less and less capable of many tasks they once handled with ease. You and your family members may step in during the early phases of dementia without too much difficulty. Your loved one may only need a little help every now and then, and their memory may not be that affected yet. They might occasionally forget something or struggle to remember a name, but it’s infrequent.

However, as the disease progresses, these periods of forgetfulness are going to get worse. They may begin repeating themselves, often forget someone’s name, and forget important appointments without reminders. They may even forget how to do things such as work a microwave. When dementia or Alzheimer’s progresses to this point, your loved one will need a caregiver on a daily basis.

Others may not have the resources needed to get the care they truly need. They may not have reliable transportation to doctor’s appointments or not live near a healthcare facility that can provide them with the treatment they need. They may live alone without any family nearby to call on for help.

Reliant Home Care Services understands these barriers and how they affect veterans’ lives. We provide a variety of services to help Veterans in Murrieta and Riverside County as a whole.

Reliant Caregivers For Dementia

What Does a Caregiver Do?

When you reach out to Reliant for caregiver services for your loved one who is dealing with Alzheimer’s or dementia, you want to know that they’re getting the care they need. Every plan of care is different—we personalize every plan for the patient because every person is going to have different needs. Here are some of the most common care services we provide for those dealing with dementia or Alzheimer’s:

  • Assistance with daily tasks, including bathing, dressing, and meal preparation.
  • Help with transportation to doctor’s appointments and other medical needs.
  • Reminders to take medications as directed.
  • Help create and maintain patterns and routines. Those with failing memories often find that daily routines help them feel more comfortable because they know what to expect.
  • Prevent wandering. Those struggling with their memories may leave their homes if they don’t remember where they are. They can end up wandering through the neighborhood, leading to injury.
  • Provide other safety reminders, such as turning off a stove the individual forgot they turned on or ensuring that they don’t fall.

You Can Rely on Reliant

Whether you need someone to sit with your loved one for a few hours while you attend to your own tasks or are looking for a home care provider for daily visits, Reliant can help. We focus on treating every patient with the dignity and care they deserve, especially those who are struggling with dementia. To learn more about how we can help you and your loved one, reach out today.

Alzheimer's Care | Reliant Home Care Services
How We Work at Reliant Care Vert

How We Work

Getting help shouldn’t be difficult, nor should it be a long, drawn-out process. When you reach out to work with Reliant, we want to make the process easy, but we also want to be certain we’re providing the right type of care. All of our care programs are customized for each patient, so every individual receives a personalized care program.

To do that, we first begin with an assessment. We will answer any questions you may have and then schedule an in-person meeting at your loved one’s place of residence. At this meeting, we will answer any additional questions and walk everyone through the process, making certain your loved one is heard and is completely comfortable with all decisions.

During this visit, we will also do a home safety assessment. We will walk your home looking for things such as loose rugs, steps, and other areas that could be safety hazards. We have plans for addressing these common risks, and often, they can be mitigated with a few simple changes or additions to your home such as handrails or rug tape.

Next, you meet with the care coordinator. Here, you will build a detailed plan of care. This plan includes how often a caregiver comes to help your loved one, what the caregivers will do, and other information. The care coordinator will provide a very thorough explanation of every step of the plan. We want to let your loved one know that they and their home will be respected and treated with the utmost care and respect.

This is an extra meeting that some providers skip by rolling it into the home assessment, but we believe it’s important that you work with a professional expert throughout the entire process. It’s also important that you and your loved one have some time to absorb information and think about your needs. We don’t want to rush anything or put any extra pressure on you, so it helps to split these tasks up.

Home Care Services for All


Dementia and Alzheimer’s Care


Senior Home Care Services


Veteran Care


Family Care


Respite Care

Reach Out to Reliant Home Care Services Today to Learn More

While the above information can be helpful, we know that caregiving is very often a personal experience. You likely have a lot of questions that aren’t covered here or aren’t certain what type of care your loved one needs. To get a better idea of how Reliant can help you, please reach out to us. We are more than happy to answer any questions you have or direct you toward resources that can help your specific needs.


Reliant Home Care Services

Contact Reliant Home Care Services Today to Learn More

Whether you need a little bit of respite care or someone to be with your loved one every day, Reliant Home Care Services is here for you. We understand what it means to be caregivers—many of us have had to take on this role in our personal lives. It’s hard, but it’s not impossible when you have the right resources and help in your corner. We will walk you through every step, answer all of your questions, and create a custom program of care for your loved one, allowing them to live independently while remaining safe and sound.

If you’re in need of in-home care services, there’s no reason to delay learning more. Even if you don’t feel like you’re currently in need, it never hurts to learn what options are available. Contact Reliant Home Care Services today at

(951) 326-8090

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