Returning home after a hospital stay is a relief for many patients, but it also comes with the challenge of avoiding readmission. This is especially true with elderly patients who may already be at risk of falling or other accidents. At Reliant Home Care Services, we recognize the critical role that home care plays in reducing these readmissions by ensuring patients receive the comprehensive and continuous care they need in the comfort of their own homes. If you’re concerned that your loved one may end up back in the hospital, in-home care may be the right solution. 


a pen, a stethoscope, and a medical chart


Understanding Hospital Readmissions

Hospital readmissions refer to instances when a patient is readmitted to a hospital within a certain period, typically 30 days, after their initial discharge. According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), approximately 20% of Medicare beneficiaries are readmitted within a month. Many of these readmissions are preventable and are often linked to complications and lack of proper follow-up care. 


How Home Care Helps

Home care services bridge the gap between hospital and home, providing essential support that can make all the difference in a patient’s recovery trajectory. Here’s how home care contributes to reducing hospital readmissions:


Early Intervention and Monitoring

One of the key benefits of home care is ongoing, professional health monitoring right in your loved one’s home. Reliant’s team of care professionals can detect early signs of potential complications before they become severe enough to require hospitalization. Regular assessments by home care professionals help keep track of your loved one’s health status, allowing for timely adjustments in care plans. We can watch for signs of infection, side effects from surgery, and other concerns. 

We will also make certain that your loved one is following all of the prescribed aftercare instructions. We ensure that they take their medications correctly. This helps to reduce the risk of medication-related complications that could lead to readmission. We will also help with any physical therapy exercises to ensure that your loved one doesn’t fall or hurt themselves. 


Education and Self-Management

Empowering patients with knowledge about their conditions and care procedures is vital for preventing readmissions. Home care staff will educate you and your loved one on how to manage their health conditions effectively. Your loved one likely received detailed instructions and demonstrations on how to care for themselves, such as managing wounds, dietary recommendations, and recognizing symptoms of deterioration, but sometimes those instructions aren’t easy to follow. We’ll help explain them to your loved one in a way they can understand. We can also provide advice on diet, exercise, and other lifestyle changes that can help improve your loved one’s overall health and prevent conditions from worsening.


Personalized Care Plans

Everyone has unique health needs and challenges. Home care services provide personalized care plans tailored to each individual’s specific conditions and requirements. These plans are developed in consultation with your loved one’s doctors and other care providers. Our care plans are regularly reviewed and modified based on your loved one’s progress and any new health developments in order to ensure they’re getting the best care. 

We also make certain to communicate with everyone involved, including you, your loved one’s doctors, and anyone else who has a stake in your loved one’s care. Reliant’s home care providers ensure that all aspects of a patient’s healthcare are integrated, and that all medical advice is followed correctly, helping to avoid hospital readmissions due to miscommunication or conflicting care instructions.


The Impact of Home Care on Readmission Rates

Studies have shown that effective home care services can significantly reduce hospital readmission rates. For example, a study published by the American Journal of Medicine noted that home healthcare services reduced readmission rates by up to 25% for patients with certain conditions. This not only improves patient outcomes but also contributes to substantial cost savings for the healthcare system.


Reliant Home Care Services: Your Partner in Preventing Readmissions

At Reliant Home Care Services, we are committed to providing high-quality home care that meets the complex needs of patients returning home after hospital stays. Our goal is to support healing and recovery, help manage chronic conditions, and ensure your loved one can live as independently and safely as possible.

From skilled nursing to therapy and daily living assistance, our services cover all aspects of home care needed to prevent readmissions. Our team of caregivers and healthcare professionals is dedicated to providing compassionate care that respects the dignity and independence of each client.


a group of doctors and nurses with their hands in a pile


Reach Out to Reliant Today

Hospital readmissions can often be prevented with the right support systems in place. Home care services play a crucial role in this by providing continuous, comprehensive care that addresses the health needs of patients outside the hospital setting. At Reliant Home Care Services, we pride ourselves on being a key part of our clients’ recovery and ongoing health management, ensuring they have the best possible support on their journey to sustained wellness.

If you or a loved one could benefit from dedicated home care to prevent hospital readmissions, contact us today to learn more about how we can help provide the care you deserve, right at home.